Costa Rica's Pura Vida Lifestyle: Embracing a Life of Wellness and Tranquility

¡Pura vida jefe! ¡Pura vida amigooou! ¡Pura vida compa! ¡Pura vida pito! Pura vida this. Pura vida that. Costa Rica is known worldwide for its enchanting biodiversity, raveling landscapes, charming locals — and the Pura Vida lifestyle. But what exactly is Pura Vida? How can you embrace it to enhance your well-being and tranquility, especially at a place like Místico Beach Town and Resort?

¿Qué es Pura Vida?

Pura Vida’s literal translation is "Pure Life". Here, it goes further than just a phrase; it’s a way of life. It sums up Ticos’ approach to whatever life throws at them, good or bad, always tackling it with gratitude and simplicity. It can be used to say thanks, to say you’re welcome, to explain how you’re feeling, to describe if someone’s nice, etc. A greeting, a farewell, an expression of contentment… “pura vida” shows our people’s emphasis on happiness, well-being, and tranquility.

Embracing Wellness at Místico

Pura vida and wellness are one and the same. At Místico, we’ve got a holistic approach to health and well-being, facilitated through our diverse amenities and (ridiiiiculous, jaw-dropping, eye-opening, life-changing — you get the idea) natural surroundings.

Mindful Relaxation

At Místico, relaxation is part of the lifestyle. Whether it's taking a leisurely walk along the beach, meditating to the sounds of the ocean, or enjoying a cup of freshly brewed Costa Rican coffee (as us Ticos say, “mandarse un yodito”) while watching the sunrise, our community’s got hundreds of spots to quiet the mind. Our glamping sites and equestrian lodge provide unique experiences to unwind and reconnect with nature. #PuraVida #WellnessJourney

Tranquility through Connection with Nature

Místico’s stunning natural beauty plays a crucial role in the Pura Vida lifestyle. Our development is designed to coexist as one with the environment, preserving lush rainforests, pristine beaches, and diverse wildlife. Life isn’t perfect, anywhere — but I’d rather think through my problems by walking through the beach or the forest rather than by trying to think while the guy behind me honks his car horn because the light’s been green for 0.00001 seconds.

How stressed can you really be with monkeys as neighbors, the sound of birds chirping (instead of continuous car horns), and backdrops that look straight out a painting? Beeep beeeep beeeep vs crrrrrouhhh, chirp chirp (Can’t really get bird songs in writing, but hopefully you get what I mean). At Místico, you’re living with nature, not just near it. #NatureLovers #CostaRicaLiving

Living Pura Vida at Místico

At Místico, we are Pura Vida — we’re all about our pledge to sustainability, wellness, and community. Our beach town and resort hits the sweet spot between modern conveniences and natural beauty. Yoga, organic farms, glamping, equestrian activities, water sports, lakes, the ocean, the forest. All at your front door. #SustainableLiving #ActiveLifestyle

Whether you've been thinking about moving to Costa Rica, or just looking to incorporate some of its principles into your daily routine, Místico is your door to Pura Vida. Join us for the life you deserve. Life is waiting — hop on the wave, before it’s too late. #LuxuryRetreat #TropicalParadise


Right Of Response From Místico Project To Telenoticias


Mistico Beach Town and Resort: The Ultimate Beach Community Lifestyle