Right Of Response From Místico Project To Telenoticias

Dear friends of Místico,


Regarding a report by Telenoticias on Channel 7, issued in several broadcasts, last Monday, June 17, 2024, which, among other statements, indicated (later making direct reference, by name, to the Místico project) that "Residents of Playa Hermosa could put an end to the real estate project that threatens wetlands," the Místico project, exercising its Right of Response and Rectification, requested that this media outlet communicate the following clarifying information to fully correct and refute the content that was disseminated:


First and foremost, with complete clarity, the Místico project rejects the content of that report, which we can point out as incorrect and unbalanced, given that it disseminated harmful suppositions detached from the current reality. It did not include our technical explanations, provided to Telenoticias for this broadcast, in any way. In contrast, it was based on the subjective position of an individual and a movement called "Salvemos Hermosa," which has been generating attacks and spreading misinformation without balance and without adherence to institutional reality, ignoring the permits and feasibilities that have been fulfilled by Místico since the very beginning of the procedures in 2007.


The report mentioned a document as a "forensic medicine opinion from the OIJ," which in no way justifies the assertion, as the report incorrectly does, that "the Místico real estate mega-project could be halted, as it is being built on protected wetlands." Meanwhile, the truth is that, not only does this report not give way for such interpretation, but, in addition, the report was conducted on an area that does not correspond to the private property where our project's works are currently being developed, which, of course, has all the necessary permits.


The statements by the spokesperson for "Salvemos Hermosa," Walter Brenes, in which he mentions an alleged "filling of an open-pit project" and questions the Institutions that govern this matter, not only lead to error and confusion, but do not correspond to the reality of the works carried out. As indicated by the Law, the Místico project, in conjunction with the authorities, has protected and identified areas designated as wetlands and has not conducted any filling or affecting these areas.


The report also indicates that "the filling of wetlands affects the region's economic activity, given that it reduces the wave action on the beach and exposes the inhabitants of the canton, considering that the wetlands function as rain filters." Again, this assertion is based on an incorrect and detached premise from reality, as the Místico project has not filled wetlands and has no intention of using or affecting them. In contrast, our commitment is to preserve them, so it is imprecise and disproportionate to make that interpretation, which is (again) a false assertion.


In full compliance with the Law, at Místico, we have respected and protected the wetland areas indicated within the permits of the Central Pacific Conservation Area, where the property is delimited, and the wetland area is established by the respective institution. Therefore, we can affirm and demonstrate that no wetland area has been affected in the Místico project.


Finally, the report concludes that "thanks to the report issued by the OIJ, the affected parties will be able to request precautionary measures against the construction and halt the process." Again, this is a reckless and unfounded assertion that leads to confusion and does not adhere to the legal reality of the project, as there is currently no specific process related to that supposed scenario.


The commitment and responsibility of the Místico project with the community and the environment have been public and provable. We began the process of obtaining permits in 2004 and fulfilled all legal and institutional requirements for five years until 2009, when the project was allowed to start. Throughout years of development, the same procedure has been respected for each permit.


It is worth mentioning that, once the permits were obtained, we managed to environmentally recover land that was previously used for rice cultivation (which affects the area’s biodiversity on the long run). Since then, we have participated in significant initiatives, such as planting over 12,500 tress (native species) and creating 15 hectares of lake ecosystems, allowing us to have more than 54% of the property converted into natural areas for the benefit of the Playa Hermosa – Punta Mala Wildlife Refuge.


We reject the malicious attacks against the project and regret the manipulation that may arise from political, ideological, or other interests. We take this opportunity to thank the community, our collaborators, partners, and residents for their trust; they can attest to our commitment at Místico to developing a responsible project with a future vision in harmony with the community and the environment.




Derecho de Respuesta del Proyecto Místico para Telenoticias


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